Homeschooling in Singapore

Posted on June 26, 2011


By Daisy.

Parents know best each child’s strengths and weaknesses. Each child has his or her own unique talents and grows at different pace. Yet, schools, in my opinion, most of the time, are catered to meet the one-size-fit-for-all education due to their limited resources, practicality and structures.

Some parents in Singapore choose the route of homeschooling, in which the curriculum and pace can be of better choices for some children. They form a vibrant homeschooling community in which they do co-op, projects, visitations to numerous interesting places, fairs, social works, sport competitions, musical concerts and many more. They are passionate about their children’s education and are generous in sharing and supporting each other.

This community can be an avenue for parents of children with disabilities, be it physical or mental. It is quite known here that registering a child in a school for kids with special needs can be a long wait list. Hence, these parents group together to learn from each other and have their children with special needs socialize with his/her peers.

Fortunately for Singaporeans and Permanent Residences, the Ministry of Education (MOE) does not shut their door for them to homeschool their children. Nonetheless, there are guidelines and permit which MOE issue for homeschooling children to ensure that each child gets proper, standardized education  certification.

To know more about homeschooling, you are welcome to join the Singapore Homeschool mailing list:  and below are pictures taken during recent Homeschool Fair which was held at Pandan Valley Condominium:

Posted in: Lifestyle